With a Total Investment of 15.25 Billion Yuan, Two Key Projects Launch

Release Date:2020.04.29 Views:2026 Source:

At 9:30 in the morning on April 29, 2020, "Dalong Town, Dongguan City, the signing and commencement ceremony of major projects in 2020" was held at the construction site of the Everbright Smart Manufacturing Innovation Industry Center in Dalang Town. The 22 centralized signing and construction projects including Stronglaser Intelligent Equipment Capital Increase and Expansion Project and Strong Laser Intelligent Equipment Headquarters Project have total investment of 15.25 billion yuan. Among them, there are 6 centralized construction projects, involving an investment amount of 4.2 billion yuan; 16 centralized contract projects, involving an investment amount of 11.05 billion yuan, the total investment amount hit the largest in Dalang Town over the years.

Signing ceremony, first from right: Tao Xiongbing, chairman of Stronglaser

Tao Xiongbing, chairman of Stronglaser signed the second phase project

From the perspective of the industry, 9 of the 22 projects in the electronic information industry with a total investment of 5.54 billion yuan; 4 equipment manufacturing projects with a total investment of 2.01 billion yuan; 2 modern service industry projects with a total investment of 3 billion yuan Yuan; 2 green environmental protection industrial projects, with a total investment of 500 million yuan; 2 food projects, with a total investment of 1.6 billion yuan; 1 each of woolen, energy, and new material projects, with a total investment of 2.6 billion yuan.

Liu Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Songshan Lake Party Working Committee, and Chen Fukun and Fang Dejia, leaders of Dalang Town, attended the commencement ceremony and witnessed the signing of the project. Liu Wei, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, expressed warm congratulations to the start of the project and cultivated the ground for the Everbright Smart Manufacturing Innovation Industry Center project.

Foundation Ceremony

Leaders at all levels fully mobilize support

At the groundbreaking ceremony, Liu Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Songshan Lake Party Working Committee, said that major projects are the most direct and effective way to drive Dongguan's economic growth, and also an important carrier for the city to focus on construction and coordinate the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and social and economic growth. .

Liu Wei's speech

Fang Dejia, the deputy secretary of the Dalang Township Committee and the mayor of the town, also made requests at the signing ceremony, hoping that Dalang Town will take this concentrated start as an order, go all out, do a good job, and provide the best quality and the most for the project construction and subsequent growth. Efficient service.

Fang Dejia's speech

As a dynamic new city in central Dongguan, Dalang Town has three pillar industries: woolen industry, equipment manufacturing industry and electronic information industry. Dalang is accelerating the high-quality development of Songshan Lake functional area in an all-round way, constantly improving the supporting facilities, Transportation environment, education and medical resources, in-depth advancement of the integrated development of industry and city, and speed up the construction of "strong towns in the Bay Area and great quality". By accelerating the construction of key projects, giving full play to the leading role of investment in major projects, promoting the comprehensive economic and social resumption of production and production, and promoting the stable growth of investment, injecting a strong driving force for the high-quality economic and social development of the town.

Strong Town in Bay Area, Great Quality

This major project includes two major projects of Strong Laser

The new development carrier will strongly promote innovation at the source of science and technology and provide a strong impetus for the high-quality development of the regional economy. Among them, the construction of Strong laser intelligent equipment capital increase and expansion project has a total investment of 300 million yuan, covering an area of 34.5 acres and a total construction area of 79,100 square meters. It is expected to be completed in December 2022 and invested by Dongguan Strong Laser Advanced Equipment Co., Ltd. Construction. After the project is completed, it will form a large-scale professional high-speed picosecond & femtosecond laser micro-nano processing professional industrial park. Its manufacturing industry and technology platform services will drive and radiate the development of related industries in neighboring provinces and cities. It is a highly influential Laser intelligent manufacturing technology park.

Stronglaser Phase I Science Park became a major project in Dalang Town in 2020

Phase I Effect Diagram

Construction drawing

The collective investment of the project of Strong Laser Intelligent Equipment Headquarters amounted to 650 million yuan, covering an area of 18.3 acres and a total construction area of about 50,600 square meters. It is planned to start construction in January 2021 and is expected to be completed in June 2021. Invested and built by Dongguan Strong Laser Advanced Equipment Co., Ltd. After the project is completed, it is a corporate headquarters integrating R&D, production and sales of precision laser intelligent equipment.

Stronglaser Phase II Science and Technology Park became a major project signed by Dalang Town in 2020

General plan of the second phase planning

Second-stage planning effect diagram

Aerial view of the second phase planning

Strong Laser specializes in ultrafast ultrashort pulse industrial laser processing application technology, and its business focuses on providing the overall solution of laser micro-nano process in the optoelectronic industry, with ultrafast laser micro-cutting, drilling, etching, dicing, grooving, microstructure Production and other application technology platforms.

After twelve years of experience accumulation and technology precipitation in the field of laser processing in the consumer electronics industry chain, Strong Laser has launched a full-screen automated laser processing production line for semiconductor displays, as well as a one-stop high-speed HDI laser drilling processing station. Special-shaped cutting and digging holes, the third-generation semiconductor device cutting and drilling fields have been widely used.

Strong Laser OLED Laser Cutting Machine

In the context of the prevention and control of major epidemics in history, as a key new engine for my country to stabilize investment, adjust structure, and expand domestic demand, the importance of "new infrastructure" in the regional layout has become increasingly prominent, and has also received attention from all parts of the world. As the object of the key "multiplication plan" of the Provincial Reform and Innovation Experimental Zone, Strong Laser has invested a total of 950 million yuan in two major projects. It is Strong Laser's smart creation of supporting the construction of the laser industry to meet the needs of the growing Chinese electronics manufacturing industry. The platform and the important actions of actively increasing capital and expanding production represent that Strong Laser will serve as an important force in the "new infrastructure" and is promoting the service capabilities of new urban infrastructure in high-level construction.


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